Parents this is a reminder of medical/dental requirements that will be needed for students starting 7th, 9th, 12th grades in the fall.
7th graders (6th going into 7th): Need Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines: Per Iowa Department of Public Health, student will be exempt from starting 7th grade if vaccines are not complete by start of upcoming school year. Student will be exempt until vaccine requirements are complete.
9th graders (8th going into 9th): Need dental screening (no earlier than 1 year prior to enrollment and no later than 4 months after enrollment). IDPH dental screening form will need to be completed by Dental office and returned to school. Fax number 319-728-2205.
12th graders (11th going into 12th): Need Meningococcal vaccine: Per Iowa Department of Public Health, student will be exempt from starting 12th grade if vaccine is not completed by start of upcoming school year. Student will be exempt until vaccine requirement is complete.
Louisa County Public Health is available to administer required vaccinations by appointment only. Their contact information is 319-523-3981. Please call them to schedule an appointment or for any questions regarding public health requirements.
Please reach out to school nurse Jenny Conaway, RN BSN at or 319-728-6218 x1218 with any questions regarding requirements.